Gokarna : Of Beaches and Temples

Beach Sunrise

Gokarna is situated in the southern Indian state of Karnataka. It’s famous for its beaches and temples. 

My accommodation in Kudle beach
Beaches : There are 6 beaches beside each other. As can be expected, each beach has a different shape and character. All beaches, except Gokarna beach, are surrounded by mountains and a short hike is required from end of the road to the beach.  There are innumerable yoga/meditation centers that open during the tourist season, mostly aimed at the western clientele. It’s impossible to find Indian food on the beach shacks. The water in clean and fit for bathing in all the beaches.Most of the shacks and accommodation on the beaches shut after the tourist season. Tourist season opens in Oct and ends in April

Kudle beach

Gokarna Beach : This is the longest beach and is in the heart of town. This beach receives maximum number of tourists. It is very popular with Indian tourists. 
Half moon beach

Half Moon Beach : No prizes for guessing the shape of the beach. This quiet beach was a popular for psychotropic substances and rave parties. All this (illegal activity) has been stopped by the authorities. Even all the accommodation the beach has been shut down by the local authorities.  There is a walking trail to this beach or alternatively get a boat from Om Beach. Bring your supplies and tent if you are planning to stay here.

Om Beach

Kudle (Pronounced: Could-Lee) beach: I stated on this beach for 3 three days in Nov 2014. The waterfront is completely occupied by shacks offering food and accommodation. Step beyond the shacks and one can see wild peacocks roaming among the paddy fields. Snakes are a common sight. I saw a dolphin swimming in the water beside me. Mosquitoes are a menace and come prepared with some insect repellent.
Om Beach


Om Beach: This beach happens to be shaped like the letter Aum .  It’s not so built up like Kudle beach.  I was told that Indian tourists will not be given accommodation here during peak season. This is a good spot to get a boat to Paradise beach or Half moon beach.

Paradise beach

Paradise beach:  The accommodation here was also shut down by the authorities. Half moon beach , along with Paradise beach were famous for rave parties. After a tussle with the legal  authorities both the beaches have mellowed down. There is a walking trail to this beach or alternatively get a boat from Om beach. Bring your supplies and tent if you are planning to stay here. You will definitely not be alone on the beach. 

There is a beach beyond this where the fishing boats bring their catch. It’s smelly and recommended that it kept off the tourist itinerary.  

Ram Remple
Temples: There are innumerable temples in Gokarna. I’m only listing a few that I’ve been to.

Mahabaleshwar temple: The main temple in town and the deity is Lord Shiva. The idol in the temple is said to be the only “Swayambhoo” (Self created) idol. Inside the temple the Swami’s hard-sell the Pooja’s on offer. The temple is worth a visit, but foreigners are not allowed inside the main courtyard. This temple gets crowded during holidays and special occasions. There is a stall selling organic local food and ayurvedic  products within in the temple .  Bought a bottle of “Sugarless Ashoka  Blackberry Juice”.  There is a picture of Ashoka Blackberry on the bottle, but I don’t think I’ve seen this fruit before.

Ganpathy temple (Main): Main Ganapathy temple is beside the Mahabaleshwar temple

Ganapathy temple (Minor): This is beside the beach. It’s a quiet location on a hillock on the way to Ram temple.  There are very few visitors to this temple. Beautiful views of Gokarna beach from the veranda of this temple .

Gokarna temple
Holy Spring at Ram temple
Ram temple :  Situated beside the beach, this temple commands spectacular views of the beach. The steps facing the sea make it a picture perfect location to relish the last rays of the dying sun. Beside the temple is a fresh water fountain that runs from the rocks  all year round. The water is pure to drink. Like many tourists and locals, I would fill drinking water regularly from this water sprout.
Gokarna temple
Bharatan Temple
Legend of Ram Temple:  After defeating (read Killing) the Asura (loosely translated as ‘demon’) king Ravana in battle Lord Ram went back to his kingdom. Later in his life, it dawned upon him that he had to do penance for killing Ravana.  Ravana, although an Asura, was a Brahman who was blessed by Lord Shiva himself. Ram choose the spot in Gokarna, where the Ram Temple stands today,  to offer penance. Beside the sea there are very few places where fresh water can be found. Lord Ram shot an arrow into the rock and water originated from the rocks.

Gokarna temple
Uma Nanda
Bharatan Temple: Its perched above Ram temple. Its normally closed.

Uma Nanda Temple: This is a very small temple on the hillock between Om and Kudle beach. To get to the temple from Kudle beach climb the steps towards Om beach. Once in the open space where the vehicles are parked, turn right. Walk between the walls to reach the temple. I happened to go for a walk in the morning and I got lost. That’s how I reached this temple!!! This temple has commanding views of the sea and beyond. No visitors at this temple. Solitude abounds.

Entrance to Gogarbha temple
Gogarbha temple: This has to be definitely the strangest temple that I’ve  seen. The cave temple is located beside the steps leading to Kudle beach while approaching from Gokarna. I searched for this cave for almost 45 minutes. Finally I met a local resident who pointed in direction of the cave. He told me that it’s only a minute of two from the spot where I was standing. The temple entrance is through a hole in the rock. Straight down. !!!! The opening is the tight fit for even a skinny person. Strain your neck down the hole and a sanctum is visible. A ladder is necessary to go down. Not sure if prayers happen every day here.

Kudle beach
Road to Kudle beach

Getting there: 

Train: Get off at Gokarna Road. Take a taxi/auto from the station. 
Buses: Direct buses are available from Bangalore and Mangalore


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