
 For most people, Gwaldam is a temporary halt on their travels across Uttaranchal. Few travellers journey here during summer for the amazing views of the Himalayan ranges. The best place to stay in Gwaldam is the government run GVNL. The suite at GVMH (comprising of a day room and a bed room) costs Rs 750/-. YHA accommodation is also available in Gwaldam, or so I was told. At night the place was buffeted by very strong winds and rain. The strong winds are common during these months.
Khamba Buddhist Monastery
Around Gwaldam:
Angora rabbit and goat farm: Government run animal center is on the outskirts of Gwaldam. Rabbits are kept in cages in a smelly room. Visit in the evening to see the sheep being rustled back into their pen after foraging in the nearby woods. Khamba Buddhist temple: Beside Angora farm is the Khamba Buddhist temple. There are magnificent views of the Himalayan snow-capped mountains from this temple. The whole building is covered with prayer wheels. The shrine room is well decorated in traditional Buddhist style. Photography is not permitted inside the shrine room. Badangadi Maa Temple: This temple is located on top of a hillock near Gwaldam. After 20 minutes’ drive from Gwaldam, the unpaved road ends at an picturesque isolated parking area. I started the trek at 8:45 and was beside the temple at 9:45. There were some local people climbing up to the temple with me. They were also taking a goat with them. Curious, I struck up a conversation with these people. They told me that the goat would be sacrificed for blessings granted by the deity Badangadi Maa. The entire family had come to the temple to do the sacrifice. After the sacrifice, the meat would be cooked and eaten for lunch. It felt more like a picnic than a religious ceremony. They requested to join them for lunch, but sadly I could not wait. The doors of the Badangadi Maa Temple were also closed. Walk up beyond the temple and there is an observation post. Climb up the rickety steps for breath-taking views of the Himalayan peaks. There is a small place of worship for Shiva nearby. I wish I could stay here longer.
Badangadi Maa Temple

Bells outside the temple
With the sacrificial lamb
The patriarch
Preparing the feast with the sacrificial lamb


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