Athirapally trek

This trek conducted by Kerala forest department. It's an easy trek. The hike starts beside Athirapally waterfall and can be completed in about 4-5 hours. The trek has to be arranged in advance. A minimum number of 6 people are required to book the trek. The trek in July-24 cost me Rs 1500. Lunch and guide fees are included in this.  See photo for booking details.
It rained heavily during my hike. Trekking in the heavy rain was quite a refreshing experience. The leaches can be a bit of a bother. So be prepared with salt or leech socks. The highlight of the trip has to be the view from the top of Athirampally waterfall; a view most people never get to see.

My other treks (Click here)

I don't think this catamaran meets even the minimum stability requirements!
On top of Athirapally waterfall
The view is better at the top

The residents of this temporary dwelling were out in the forest collecting wild ginger
Numerous waterfalls along the trail in the monsoon season
The motley crew


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