Sun temple, Konark- Poetry in stone

Sun Temple Konark is a list World Heritage site in the Indian state of Odisha. Built in the 13th century to honor the sun god, the temple epitomises Kalinga architecture.

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The temple is built like a chariot with 12 wheels  drawn by 7 horses. Each part of the temple exterior is exquisitely carved. One can only wonder at the craftsmanship of those people who built the temple. Renovation work was in progress when I visited the temple in 2016. Most of the work has been degraded over the years.

The erotic sculptures found all over the temples are a reminder of what Indian life would have been (at least for the elite) before the arrival of Europeans and the import of their culture. It also serves as a reminder of the various paths of Hinduism, many of which are frowned upon today.

This blog is my pictorial  tribute to the master craftsmen who made poetry from stone.


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