Pratapgad fort

This is one of the many forts built by Shivaji. This fort is perhaps the only privately owned fort in Maharashtra. The heir to the princely state of Satara, who traces his lineage to Shivaji is the present owner of the fort.

This path was used only by Shivaji

Pratapgad fort is a masterpiece of fortress architecture. In the good old days, elephants were used to break down the fort doors. The elephants would charge on the door with a battering ram. The path to the main entrance is designed with a curvature and gradient that makes it impossible for the elephants to charge onto the fortress door. By the fort entrance is a small cave that would have been well concealed behind the brambles. When the enemy was busy trying to break down the walls, the defenders from this cave would rush out and attack from the rear. Today this cave is exposed as part of the cave overhang has crumbled away.

Shivaji was a regular visitor at this fort. Shivaji would dismount from his horse inside the fort and use a path that was made exclusively for him. His retinue would use the path that tourists use today. The path that Shivaji used has been sealed up as the management felt that there is nobody on the caliber of Shivaji worthy of using it! The patron deity of Shivaji , Goddess Bhavani,  is also the principal deity of the temple within the fort. Unfortunately, photography is not allowed inside this temple. The temple deity is made from Saligram stone that was bought from Nepal. Beside it is a small crystal Shiva lingam that belonged to Shivaji. It is said that he used to carry the crystal Shiva lingam with him wherever he went. The temple also houses the sword that was used by Shivaji’s commander. In those days, the king would permit the bearer of the sword to inscribe a cross if he had killed 100 people. This was the equivalent of today’s gallantry medals. There are 6 stars on Shivaji’s commanders’ sword. Outside the temple, there is a small collection of weapons and portable cannons that were used by the fort’s defenders. The word ‘portable’ is a misnomer as not many can pick up the portable cannon!

If the attackers managed to breach the fort walls, the defenders would retreat to the inner citadel. This is like a fort within a fort. A secret passageway connects the inner and outer forts. This secret pathway from the inner fort emerges at a concealed exit very close to the main door of the outer fort. The defenders would quietly slip out from the inner fort thru this passage and close the main door. The attackers would now find themselves besieged within the fort. Without the possibility of reinforcements reaching the invaders, Shivaji’s men would come out from the inner citadel and finish them off. However, all these planning was unnecessary because the fort remained undefeated in battle. It is rumored that there is a secret exit passage from the fort to a safe location beyond its walls. At the highest point of the fort is a statue of Shivaji. This statue was inaugurated by the first prime minister of India Mr. Jawaharlal Nehru in 1957. The royal stables were once located here. As usual, the British destroyed all the palaces within the fort.

Afzal Khan, the commander of Adi Shahi Dynasty (Located near present day Bijapur, Karnataka), requested a meeting with Shivaji. The meeting was to held outside Pratpgad fort. Wary of his intentions, Shivaji wore an armored plate under his dress. It’s this concealed armor that saved his life when Afzal Khan tried to kill him. Shivaji too had hidden weaponry with him and he managed to inflict injury on Afzal Khan. In the ensuing melee, Afzal Khan was killed. Shivaji chopped off his head and took it as a trophy. The head is now buried at Abdullah tower at Pratapgad. But the body is buried in a tomb near the entrance to Pratapghad fort. It is said that this fort is called Pratapgad (Pratap-meaning fame) because Shivaji killed Afzal Khan here. Sadly, the Hindu - Muslim rivalry that existed in Shivaji’s era continues to this day. After riot like situation a decade ago, the tomb of Afzal Khan has been permanently sealed off the police.

Other blog from the series

Fresh Bhakari for the tourists being prepared inside Pratapgad fort


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