Sanchi Stupa: A photo blog

Sanchi Stupa is a group of Buddhist shrines located at MP, India. It has been recognised by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. The earliest structures include those built by Ashoka the Great in 3rd century BC. With the decline of Buddhism, these impressive structures were abandoned. The area became overrun by jungles and hence it escaped destruction from the later era Muslim rulers. The Indian 200 rupee note has a picture of Sanchi Stupa.
In most sculptures Buddha is missing. Instead he is represented by a throne, or a seat.
Here, Buddha is represented by his seat, the rectangular slab of stone.
Zoom in and see the detail in the carvings
The great Stupa (Stupa # 1)
The offering of a bowl of honey to the Blessed One by a monkey. The Buddha is here represented by his pipal tree and throne, to which devotees are doing obeisance. The figure of the monkey is twice repeated, first with the bowl and then with empty hands after the gift has been made. .... Copied this explanation from Wikipedia
Northern entrance to the great stupa
The eastern entrance to Great Stupa
Temple # 18 is an example of Greco-Buddhist art that flourished in ancient India
These kids posed for the photo
Only the southern gateway has these lion carvings
Stupa # 3 (I think!)
Northern gateway to the Great Stupa


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