Gangaikonda Cholapuram: A photo blog

Gangaikonda Cholapuram
Brihadisvara Temple at Gangaikonda Cholapuram was built by the legandary king Rajendra Chola I in AD 1035. It is said that the King Rajendra Chola I took on the name Gangaikonda Cholan, meaning the one who conquered all the lands until the Ganges. The temple and the surrounding areas were the capital of this powerful kingdom. Today this temple stands alone in the middle of paddy fiends. All trace of this magnificent capital has all but vanished. This temple has been declared as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Shiva is the main deity at this temple. In addition to Shiva, the temple has numerous smaller shrines. A big Nandi (Shiva's bull and steed) sits at the entrance. 

I visited this temple in Jan-21 during the Covid season. I arrived there quite early, by 06:30 AM. It was raining heavily and the paddy fields and surrounding areas were also surrounded. I am the only person here. Bought a small children's umbrella from a shop adjacent to the temple. The temple was flooded but the rain bought out the beauty of the temple.

Click here for photo blogs of the other 2 UNESCO's World Heritage Site temples

Gangaikonda Cholapuram
One of the Dwarpalika (doorkeeper) statues
Gangaikonda Cholapuram
View from the north entrance
There are numerous carving across the temple
A huge Nandi sits outside facing Shiva
One of the smaller shrines outside the main temple
The North entrance
Gangaikonda Cholapuram
This is the view of the main deity, Shiva. Notice the Nanadi seated outside.
The rains bought out the beauty of the sculptures.
Not sure what this is!

Gangaikonda Cholapuram
Gangaikonda Cholapuram


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